Tuesday, August 6, 2013

SENSEX -NIFTY weightage creating problem!

SENSEX -NIFTY weightage creating problem!

if i labeled the sensex triangle then C leg greater then A 

if i labeled the nifty triangle then D greater then B 

will the EXPANDING TRIANGLE WILL be inplace? if this is the case then sensex should go beyound 18467 and E leg Beyound 20300 !

or simply labeled as 5 wave decline! wave 1 6229 or 6133 to 5566 and 5566 to 6094 wave 2 and with head and shoulder wave 3rd start? and significantly change in USD INR wave on upside ! lets see who market behave in next few days and then will take decision

in this kind of structure stock particular are generating less whipsaw signal and generating good return.

We all must move along the simple idea that all forecasts are an imagination of the future disciplined by observations of the past and as new evidences presents itself on the table be humble to adjust our anticipations accordingly.

I don't know whether you and I should expect such low levels but the Elliott Waves Principle suggests it and till the market proves it wrong it might be better to be prepared for the above scenario till a better one is clearly emerging.

This is only for education and Information only,please consult your financial adviseror Before Trading and investments in market.

Thanks And Regards

Nishesh jani

Professional Trader & Investor


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