Tuesday, August 13, 2013

10 Trades of clients with full Details (Profit INR 154400)

10 Trades of clients with full Details (Profit INR 154400)

Good Morning To All

As i mention day before yesterday that i will update the full trade details,below is the details 

Profit Trade Details (229900)

Sail Fu sell at 50 Book Profit at 40 (10*4000)=40000
hpcl fu sell at 240 book profit at 195 (45*1000)=45000
HDIL fu sell at 38.75 book profit at 31 (7.75*4000)=31000
DLF fu sell at 175 book profit at 131.50 (43.50*1000)=43500
JP ASSO fu sell at 51 book profit at 33.40 (17.6*4000)=70400

Loss Trade Details (75500)

Bharat Forge sell at 193 book loss at 204 (11*1000)=11000
BOI fu sell at 167 book loss at 175 (8*1000)=8000
HCL TECH fu buy at 958 book loss at 910 (48*500)=24000
LUPIN fu buy at 909 book loss at 864 (45*500)=22500
Jain Irrigation fu sell at 48.25 book loss at 50.75 (2.5*4000)=10000


Have look at inside the trades.

(1) 50% success ratio

(2) one trade profit covers 93.25% of total loss (total loss 75500 while jp asso profit 70400)

(3) Not a single trade loss is greater than single trade profit

(4) Average profit per trade is 30800 ,while average loss per trade is just half at 15100

(5) Average profit per trade is double then average loss per trade

(6) The lowest profit trade is even higher then highest loss trade (lowest profit trade HDIL 31000 while highest loss trade HCL 24000)

you may be wonder how this happen ? but this is the style of professional traders they simple do two things

(1) Cut Loosing trades as soon as they hit their stop loss
(2) They hold the winners untill there is technical reason to exit the trade.

one of the common mistake always made by the traders is

FAILURE TO CUT LOSSES-pride and ego prevents traders from exiting loss making trades

At below points traders should do nothing

when you are confused and dont know what to do,do nothing
There are no set ups in your watch list,then dont trade
You are trend trader and there is no trend to trade,dont trade
if you are not at your best mentally and emotionally then dont trade until you are.

in my next update probably tomorrow (Independence day) i will send article on

What a trader can control

What a Trader can not control

Earn Money in any kind of market, Rising or Falling or sideways By going Long & Short

Ideas will be mine but patience -discipline -Implementation - Earnings will be yours

Every day spend just few minutes to put stop loss in the system after trade and rest of the day do your work,no need to sit and watch TV /read news papers/rumors/

To make profit one needs to trade right stock at right time,a novel i was reading AAKHET by ashwinee bhatt in which one of character says his works is to be at the right place at right time the same way traders need right stock and trade at right time.

This is only for information and educational purpose,please consult your financial adviser before trading or investing in market.

To get more information you can call on 09227065762
To contact me on E-Mail -nisheshjani@gmail.com

Thanks And Regards

Nishesh Jani.

Professional Trader & Investor

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